29th ISHRS World Congress - Lisbon, Portugal 21-23 October 2021
Date Published: 2nd November 2021
This year the ISHRS World Congress took place in Lisbon, Portugal and for the first time was held as a hybrid conference to allow both in person and virtual participation. With a world-renowned faculty there were lectures which covered the breadth of our speciality and many thought provoking discussions. There was excellent participation at the meeting from members of the BAHRS and we were all delighted to congratulate Dr Nilofer Farjo on taking over as President of the ISHRS.
The next ISHRS World Congress will take place in Panama, October 2022.
BAHRS members L to R: Dr Dilan Fernando, Dr Rachel Kay, Dr Roshan Vara, Dr Raghu Lanka, Jessica Cross, Dr Chris D’Souza, Dr Ganesh Krishnan, Dr Mohamad Khalil
Dr Nilofer Farjo - incoming President of the ISHRS